Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Learning, learning, learning: Perfect Day!

What a fabulous day of learning!

My day started by checking on Twitter around 4.35 am, it is always unbelievable how many Tweets have been posted overnight! I posted a couple of good links as I try to become more of an "informer".

At 7 am we had our second PLP Virtual Session. The topic was on Network Literacy. Will introduced three note-taking tools Evernote, Zoho and Zotero. I really liked Evernote as Zoho looks pretty much like Google Apps and Zotero is an add on for Firefox.

I've signed up for an Evernote account and will be ready to give it a try.

We had a small group discussion on Network Literacy and I was in a group with Ohio teachers. Our discussion circled around Effectiveness (so many links to click, so little time!) and Ethical uses (copyright and safety).

The last part of the session had to do with our Research Project. Sheryl walked us through the steps of the project and showed us a few samples. As a good multitasker I created a Site for our project (PLP Research Project) and send out invitations to the team for a meeting tomorrow before school.

I was very proud of our Parish team as they were engaged in the conversation!

Had a great day at school, was able to help Dave Monaco set his students as collaborators and then create their own blogs. I was relieved that everything went well and we didn't have any technical issues. I will be 'teaching' his class on Thursday so I need to be prepared!

At home I was enjoying reading Twitter when Alec Couros posted a link for an Elluminate session.
Wow! that was phenomenal! It was called The Power of Sharing and was lead by Dean Shareski. I learned even more! For example, I was able to add my Delicious Network to my Google Reader!! I didn't know that you could do that, now I can keep up with new bookmarks more efficiently!

All in all, just a PERFECT DAY!

I created the Wordle with words that resonate with my understanding of Network Literacy